Wednesday, September 10, 2008


“Discover the Self – Science of Vibration”
I really enjoyed the seminar a lot! It was a very big fincancial investment for me because I had the added expense of a $700.00 plane ticket on top of the coarse fee... but I definitely am glad that I did it. Personally I feel that what i learned about my self is very important. It helped me to understand my self and as a result understand others and where they are coming from also. The way I look at everything....why I do things the way I do......How I interact with others....How other people interpret me...Why other people do what they do... I already have.....our friends in Vancouver want to know what the cost would be if you came out here to do the seminar!! I am not the best with words, but the best way I can put it is....This class helped me to understand myself! Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you!!! November 11 /08 Elizabeth, Vancouver B.C.

This entire process of eventual "Enlightenment" is beginning to change my approach to most of my life. I am more tolerant, patient, understanding, less stressed and healthier. I am more focussed on the task at hand instead of always thinking of the 3 next things that need to be accomplished. I am a better listener, I was not always good at listening before, I`d always be rushing off to complete some task instead of just being into that particular moment. I`m realizing that I have probably missed out on a lot of enjoyment over the years stressing about The "Stuff of daily life" August /08
Shirley, Meaford Ontario

To have access to enlightened discussion of esoteric ideas in a little community like Thornbury is a rare treat indeed and one to which anyone who seeks better awareness of themselves and the world around them should avail themselves. August /08
Lorrie, Thornbury Ontario